The Only QR

to Accept All Payment Modes Including

Vault36 - Digital Wallet
Credit / Debit cards
USSD Codes

Zero*% Fee

Unlimited Payment Acceptance for your Business

Zero % for payments accepted via Vault36 Wallet

Get paid with QR in 4 simple steps!

Borrow up to $50,000

Step 1

Open Swipe36 Biz app

Borrow up to $50,000

Step 2

Choose 'QR' option and show it to client

Borrow up to $50,000

Step 3

Your client scans it from their app and enters the amount.

Borrow up to $50,000

Step 4

Once your client makes the payment, you receive the money in your Trove.

Do More.

Use the Full Power of All-in-One QR with the Swipe36 Business App